Monday, April 4, 2011

Information Literacy (4/6)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Wordle
-think of 20 words to describe yourself
-click "create" on the top toolbar
-enter your words in the box
-if you enter a word more than once, it becomes larger
in the "word cloud"

2) READ ARTICLE: Blogging?
Answer the following questions in complete sentences:
a) What is a blog?
b) What are the possible uses for a blog?
c) How might you get started blogging?
d) Why is safety a concern?
e) Imagine yourself as a teacher, how would you use a
blog to improve the learning of your students?

-Log into Gaggle:
UN: first initial | middle initial | last name (no hyphenation)
| last 4 digits of student ID # (example: jpalmon3456)
PW: 6 digit birthday (example: Feb 02, 1981= 020281)

-After logging in, click on "My Blog" under Applications (left side)
-Name your blog & create it

Objective: SWBAT understand the concepts and functions
blogging by creating a blog AAPOAL.

Learning Log: Imagine yourself as a teacher, how would
you use a blog to improve the learning of your students?

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