Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Google Classroom

Needing help with Google Classroom? Alice Keeler has you covered. She has excellent videos on how to implement Google Classroom into your curriculum.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Donor's Choose

It's that time of year again!! For the beginning of the 2016-17 school, Donor's Choose will match any donation given to your project.

If you aren't familiar with Donor's Choose, you can create a "project" to be funded by private donors. The "project" can include numerous educational materials including technology, books, supplies, etc. Then, you share your project on social media, email, or a website, while donors can discover your projects through the Donor's choose website.

Here's my most recent project: Tools for Our Makerspace

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Do you want technology in your classroom. Are you curious about Makerspaces and STEAM? Not sure where to start?

Eduporium is a one-stop shop to help you decide which technology is right for you, pricing on said technology, and connect to other educators for best ways to use the technology.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-17 school year! I'm so excited to have my students creating, making, designing, and building this year.

With that being said, I thought an appropriate post for the beginning of the year would include an article/podcast on how our (and our students') brains want to learn. The ideas behind John Medina's, neuroscientist, research is we can reach students by doing these 2 things:

-Exercise -- the brain works better after it.

-Sleep -- the developing brain has to have a ton of it to function.

Something to think about as we begin this new school year!