Thursday, March 24, 2011

Information Literacy (3/25)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Cool Math Games


-4 categories to look for in each web source: authority, content,
reliability, and design
-We will evaluate one website as a class:

-choose 3 sites to evaluate using the evaluation sheet.
-learning log: Explain, in a well developed paragraph,
why you chose the 4 website from the list of 10.

SWBAT effecitvely evaluate 4 of the 10 websites from "cool new site"
using the evaluation worksheet AAPOAL

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Information Literacy (3/23)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: physics games
-pick a game & play!

a) use the link to "Crippled nuclear reactors" to answer the following
in a well-organized paragraph:

Explain how the nuclear reactors could have a devastating impact on
the Earth.

b) use the link to "Map of the damage..." to answer the following in a
well-organized paragraph:

Explain why the rings are larger closer to the epicenter of the earthquake
and what do these rings tell us?

c) use the link to "How Shifting Plates..." to answer the following in a
well-organized paragraph:
Explain how the earthquake happened and why it caused a tsunami.

a) log into your account
b) under Classmates, click "show all" (underneath & to the right of
c) choose a student by clicking on their name (above their picture)
d) using the Glogster rubric, comment on 3 other glogs
-What did they do well? What could they improve?

SWBAT navigate the New York Times interactive map of the Japan
Earthquake in order to create a well-developed paragraph AAPOAL.

Learning Log: Explain how the nuclear reactors could have a devastating
impact on the Earth.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Information Literacy (3/21)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Smithsonian Wild
-scroll through images & choose your favorite animal
-click on the animals name (on the bottom toolbar of each photo)
-learn about the animal & look at more photos

-4 categories to look for in each web source: authority, content,
reliability, and design
-We will evaluate one website as a class:
-Evaluate the 4 web sources you chose for your Glogster assignment

-Due today!
-The Glogster assignment and rubric are in your gaggle accounts
-Look under "Zoho documents" for the assignment & rubric

SWBAT creatively present their research by using Glogster AAPOAL.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Information Literacy (3/17)

Here's the agenda for today (please copy it into your planner):

-search for your favorite school
-take a virtual tour of school and campus
-search for the tournament venues


-make sure all of you sources are valid using the
"evaluation wizard"

4) CONTINUE: Glogster Assignment
-you should have your 4 web sources found
-you must begin putting your Glog together

SWBAT understand how to effectively evaluate sources
by completing and the evaluation checklist AAPOAL.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Information Literacy (3/15)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

-read through this blog
-Which one is your favorite?

-Open a new Word Document to answer the following questions
about the LION Database:

a) What is a database?
b) What organization created this database (top of the page)?
c) How is each site organized? How are they grouped?
d) If you hover the mouse over a site, what info does it give you?
e) Choose three sites: explain what grade levels could use this site,
if you can access this from home, and what the site is capable
of doing.

-shared this with you in Gaggle, check under "Zoho Documents"
By the end of the day:
-must have 4 web sources
-use the LION Database to find your sources
-tell me which sites you used from the LION database

SWBAT understand how to effectively use a database and discover information AAPOAL.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Information Literacy (3/11)

Here's today's agenda (please copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Cool Math Games

-In a Word document, answer the following question
in a well developed paragraph:
Choose either Egypt or Libya. Explain why the people
want to overthrow the dictator?

-short demonstration of how Glogster works.
-take 20 minutes to become familiar w/ it.

-I have sent a copy of the assignment to your Gaggle account
-DUE Monday, March 21 at the end of the period

-What is a database?
-Use the LION database to find your 4 web resources

SWBAT understand the basic functions of Glogster by creating a rough draft AAPOAL

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Information Literacy (3/7)

Here's today's agenda (copy it into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Cool Math Games (5 min)

2) READ: Denver Public School's Internet Policy (20 min)
-take notes over the MAIN IDEAS of the article using WORD
-discussion of internet policy

3) GO TO The Superhero Squad Show
-you will use this to create your own comic strip
-first step is to become familiar with the site
-take 10-15 minutes to play within the site to
become familiar with it

-After using the Superhero Squad Show, create a
rough draft of your comic strip
-The comic strip must include a humorous look at CSAP testing
-Be creative!

SWBAT create a rough draft of their comic book using Word AAPOAL.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Information Literacy (3/3)

Here's today's agenda (copy into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Magnetic Poetry
-click on "play"
-click on "storymaker"
-create poetry!

username: FMLast (last 4 digits of student ID #)
password: 6 digit birthdate (mmddyy)
example: Feb 2, 1997= 020297

-watch "training videos" under "applications":
a) digital lockers
b) homework drop boxes
c) blogs
d) social walls

-click "My Blog" under "Applications" (left side of your Gaggle home page)
-As your first blog, you will complete the learning log:

Imagine yourself as a teenager 20 years ago, explain
three ways the technology you use everyday would be different.

5) If you're finished, play Cool Math Games

Objective: SWBAT use Gaggle's blog feature to create a
well-developed paragraph AAPOAL.