Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Information Literacy (11/18)

Here is today's agenda (please copy into your planner):

1) WARM UP: Calculation Nation

2) READ ARTICLE: Google Science Fair
-After reading the article, do the following:
Create one question about the text that requires you to make
an inference or extend your thinking beyond the text. Respond
to your question. Consider question stems such as I wonder why,
Compare, Contrast, Imagine, Predict...

-copy, paste, and complete the problem in a Word Document
-raise your hand for me to check your work before you print

-Log into Gaggle (see the board)
-At the bottom of the applications list, click on the "Training Videos"
-Scroll down and click on "#22: Creating Your New Blog"
-watch the 4 minute video

-Review all 11 sites
-Create a blog entry answering the following question:
-Out of the 11 Math sites, which site would you use in your Math class to
improve your learning and the learning of your classmates? Explain why it
would help you.

OBJECTIVE: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of the basics to blogging by creating a blog using Gaggle AAPOAL.

Learning Log: In what ways will you use blogging?

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