Wednesday, December 21, 2016

HyperDoc Handbook

Here's to the last day of the first semester!! I can't believe how quickly the year goes by. This will more than likely be my last post of the year. See you in 2017!

Over the break, I plan on reading the HyperDoc Handbook. It's a way to design lessons using Google Apps by doing the following:

1) Determine your objectives.
2) Select which learning cycle you will use.
3) Select your packaging.
4) Build the workflow.
5) Design the HyperDoc.

From what I can tell, a HyperDoc allows teachers to build in Differentiation, Personalization, and other Scaffolds to support students while providing rigor. It's supposed to go beyond a webquest but look more like a full lesson.

Learn more:
-TeacherCast episode with the authors:
-HyperDoc website:

Friday, December 16, 2016

Twitter Introduction

I've been regularly using Twitter (@JonathanAlmon) for the last few years as my Personal Learning Network (PLN). I can't say enough about the impact it's had on my career. Through others, I've learned about new ideas, products, books, websites, blogs, etc. to improve my teaching. I recommend it to anyone wanting to create a PLN.

For those a little apprehensive about Twitter. I found an excellent 12 day challenge from @BrendanFetters. The #12daysoftwitter challenge was designed to encourage educators, new to twitter, to share and interact with others through the month of December. I realize we're a little late for the challenge, but I thought it could still be a great way to encourage new users to Twitter. Give the 12 Day Challenge a try in January!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Required Reading -- by country

This is an interesting list describing the required reading for students in 28 different countries. TED Ideas created this list to give readers a chance to "expand your horizons - and your bookshelves." The United States books is To Kill A Mockingbird. Can you guess what the other countries chose? Go to TED Ideas to learn more.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

InnEdCO Presentation Submissions

During Thanksgiving Break, I submitted an application to present at the 2017 Innovative Education Colorado Conference (InnEdCO) in Keystone, CO. All submissions are up for review on the InnEdCO website.

Here are the steps to vote for me:

1) Go to the InnEdCO website

2) Find my application on the first page under Jonathan Almon

3) Click "Review this Session"

4) Fill out the Google Form

Thanks in advance for helping me get out in front of an audience. I've never presented at a conference, so I'm excited for the opportunity!