Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Information Literacy (12/17)

Here's today's agenda (copy it into you planner):

1) WARM UP: Cool Math Games

-work through the webquest with a partner (or by
yourself if you prefer)
-use Word to type in your answers

3) finish WEEBLY website
-use this weebly tutorial if you need help

Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of cyber crime by completing the activities within the webquest AAPOAL.

Learning Log: Explain why it's important for you to understand what cyber crime is?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Information Literacy (12/15)

Today's agenda:

1) WARM UP: Calculation Nation

2) READ THE ARTICLE: Mapping Facebook
-open up a Word document
-create a summary in the form of a
paragraph covering what you read


OBJECTIVE: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of Glogster's functions by completing an online poster AAPOAL.

Learning Log: Using the Glogster rubric, what three things did your neighbor do at a proficient level or better and one area needing improvement on their Glogster poster.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Information Literacy (12/13)

Today's agenda (please copy into planner):

1) WARM UP: Calculation Nation (10 minutes)

-watch slide show
-complete "Google Search Tips" worksheet
a) go to my website
b) scroll down to "Attachments"
c) click "download" on Google Search Tips
d) complete the worksheet using Google
-Due Wednesday

OBJECTIVE: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of effective website searching by completing a search results worksheet AAPOAL.

Learning Log: Explain why it's important to have a better understanding of Google search functions?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Information Literacy (12/9)

Today's agenda (copy it into your planner):

1) Warm Up: Calculation Nation (15 min)
-click "join"
-enter your information
-choose a game and play

2) Read article about Smartphones (30 min)
-0pen a Word Document to take notes
-remember to include the main idea of each paragraph
and the supporting evidence
-you can use any note-taking format you'd like

3) Glogster Assignment (45 min)
-see the agenda from the last class meeting for info.
-project rubric

SWBAT read an article and create notes along
with the reading AAPOAL.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Information Literacy (12/7)

Here's today's agenda:

1) Warm Up (10 minutes)
-can you find the answer to this math puzzle?
-start with the center "7", collect 4 other numbers along the paths,
you CANNOT work backwards, what's the lowest number you
can score if you add all five numbers collected.

2) Citing Web Sources (30 minutes)
-Please use Purdue's Online Writing Lab (OWL) to cite your sources.
-REMEMBER: you need 4 sources for your Glogster Assignment.
-You must give credit within your Glogster poster.

3) Glogster Assignment (45 minutes)
-See me for your log-in information
-DUE December 15

Objective: SWBAT cite sources within their Glogster poster AAPOAL.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Information Literacy (12/3)

Here's today's agenda (copy it down into your planner):

1) Warm Up: Cool Math Games
-pick a game and play! (5 minutes)

2) Introduction to Glogster Assignment
(20 minutes)
-the assignment is attached to my website.
-we will have 3 class periods to work on it.
-DUE December 22nd!

(20 minutes)
-use the database to find your sources.
-you need 4 web sources.

4) Glogster Assignment (40 minutes)
-Log In with your nickname (on your card) and
Student ID # for password.
-Before you start, watch this tutorial.
-We will discuss the rubric on Tuesday (12/7)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Information Literacy Class (12/1)

Here's the agenda for the day (make sure you copy this down in your planner):

1) Warm Up: Cool Math Games
-choose a game and play it! (5 minutes)

2) Read to Write Pre-Assessment
-We will have 45 minutes to complete the assessment

3) Glogster Project (25 minutes)
-The assignment instructions will be handed out in class.
-I have also posted them on my website.