Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Mission 100%

I initially stumbled upon the Mission 100% blog in an attempt to find resources on "aggressively monitoring" students. It's a site housing short videos of exemplary teachers modeling a certain teaching strategy. According to the home page, Mission 100% "is an online video library and platform, with over 2,000 short, targeted observation clips from real classrooms that highlight best teaching practices." A user can subscribe to receive updates on videos, easily search for videos, or look through the categories for specific videos. 

Again, I viewed the video on Aggressive Monitoring. Right away, I noticed class size. I wish my classes were less than 20 (I'd take less than 30). But in all seriousness, I love the use of the clipboard to quickly evaluate what she sees. I need to be better at moving through the room with a clipboard (and not losing the clipboard as I go). I also appreciate how the video displays what we should include on our clipboard and what we should be monitoring. Overall, I found the video helpful and look forward to viewing more of the Mission 100% videos.


Friday, January 20, 2017

EdCamp Denver

I just bought my tickets to EdCamp Denver. It's in 2 weeks (Saturday, February 4). I can't wait!